

« Cheering Team Samsung Galaxy » ARTICLE 1 – ORGANIZATION CHEIL France, a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 330,000.00 euros, registered with the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under number B 508 344 157, whose registered office is located at 6 rue Fructidor, 93484 Saint-Ouen Cedex (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizing Company") is organizing from the 24/06/2024 to the 12/07/2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "Game Period") a free game with no obligation to purchase titled Cheering Team Samsung Galaxy (hereinafter referred to as the "Game") according to the terms described in these rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules"). ARTICLE 2 – CONDITIONS AND VALIDITY OF PARTICIPATION Participation in the Game implies unreserved acceptance of the Rules. The Rules will be made available to participants (as defined below) (hereinafter referred to as the "Participant(s)") on https://withgalaxy.galaxyexperienceparis.com/en/join Participation in the Game is free and without any obligation to purchase. Participation in the Game is open exclusively to adults and minors (with permission from the holder(s) of parental authority) residing in metropolitan France or abroad, excluding employees and permanent and temporary collaborators of the Organizing Company and their families, and more generally any person who participated in the organization of the Game. The Organizing Company reserves the right to carry out directly or indirectly all necessary verifications in order to control, by any means, the identity, age, address, status and/or number of participations of the Participants, which each Participant expressly accepts. Any participation in the Game in a form other than that provided for in these Rules or containing incomplete, inaccurate, or false information, or any participation in the Game in violation of the provisions of these rules or creating an imbalance between the Participants will be considered null and void. Only one entry per person (same name, same address) is allowed. Any fraud or breach of the Rules will result in the exclusion of the Participant from the Game and the cancellation of their entry. Any attempt by an individual, whether participating in the Game or not, to undermine the conduct of the Game, as well as any fraud, or attempted fraud, or attempted unfair participation, committed with the intent to unduly receive a prize, may result in exclusion from the Game and, if applicable, legal proceedings being brought by the Organizing Company The following contributions to the Game are prohibited, including but not limited to content that is: • Off-topic, not respecting the theme of the Game, likely to provoke controversy, excessively provocative or not seeking to be constructive • Undermining human dignity • Sexually explicit or suggestive, pornographic, erotic or paedophilic in nature, particularly exposing total or partial nudity • Promoting crimes of intentional attacks on life, personal integrity and sexual assaults as defined in Book II of the French Penal Code (rape, indecent assault, public insult, offense against moral standards, sexual harassment, etc.) • Promoting terrorism, war crimes, crimes against humanity or crimes or offenses of any kind • Discriminatory, hateful or violent towards an individual or group of people on the basis of their origin, membership or non-membership, real or perceived, of an ethnic group, nation, race, sexual orientation, profession, age group or particular religion • Defamatory, insulting, slanderous, racist, xenophobic, negationist or denigrating towards third parties, whether individuals or legal entities, including the Organizing Company, its products or its brands • Infringing on the privacy, image, honour or reputation of any third party, whether a participant or not • Infringing on the intellectual or industrial property rights of a third party, particularly in the presence of unauthorized extracts or plagiarism • Promoting a program, party or political activities • Including coarse, vulgar or contrary to the image and values of the Organizing Company • Contrary to legislation on tobacco, alcohol, drugs, weapons or any other regulated communication • And, in general, contrary to the legislation in force in France. Any Participant not respecting these prohibitions will be immediately eliminated from the Game. Participants guarantee the Organizing Company against any claim, liability action, damages, losses or expenses (including legitimate legal fees) caused or related to the violation of any of the warranties or any of the commitments made under these Rules. ARTICLE 3 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE GAME 3.1 – PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS To participate in the Game, the Participant must, using their own smartphone: • Take a photo of themselves in front of the advertising posters present in Paris and regions, in compliance with the conditions mentioned in Article 2 of the Rules. • Share their photo as a post on their Instagram feed by adding the following hashtags: #CheeringTeamSamsungGalaxy #withgalaxy #Samsung Any incomplete participation will be considered null and void. Any Participant posting the photo on their account must configure their account to be in "public mode" until the day the winner is announced. Any Participant who has set their account to "private mode" cannot have their participation validated since the Organizer will not be able to view the post. The Participant's post must be visible until the day the winner is announced, failing to means their participation cannot be validated. ARTICLE 4 – SELECTING THE WINNERS At the end of the Game Period, the entries will be collected by the Organizing Company and a random drawing will be conducted under the supervision of SCP SIMONIN-LE MAREC-GUERRIER, Commissaires de Justice à Paris. The random drawing will designate the three (3) winners from among all Participants who have duly met the conditions of the Game. There will be a total of three (3) winners (hereinafter the "Winner(s)"). ARTICLE 4 – NOTIFYING THE WINNERS The Winners will be contacted by private message via their Instagram profile following the random drawing. A winner must confirm their wish to receive the prize within 7 days following the announcement of their prize. They must do so in response to the message received. If they fail to confirm within said time period, the Winner will be considered to have waived their right to their prize and the Organizing Company cannot be held liable in this regard. A Winner cannot in any case claim lack of knowledge of the message notifying them of their prize, within the aforementioned time limits, to request the granting of the prize. The use of a substitute Winner will be exercised in the event of a waiver by a Winner of their prize or if their participation proves to be invalid or for any reason preventing the delivery of their prize. Winners will not be entitled to any objection and the prize will be lost for such Winner(s) without them being able to make any subsequent claim. Participants who are not selected will not be informed. ARTICLE 5 – PRIZES 5.1 – THE PRIZE • The prize for the Game (hereinafter the "Prize") is as follows: Galaxy S24 Ultra, 256GB, Titanium Gray, valued at 1,469.00€ (all tax included) The awarding of a Prize does not give the right to any contestation or claim for any reason, nor to the delivery of the Prize's counter-value in any form, nor to its replacement, exchange or transfer to a third party. The Organizing Company reserves the right to replace the Prizes, in whole or in part, with other Prizes of equivalent nature, if circumstances beyond its control require it, without engaging its liability in this regard. The warranty for the Samsung GALAXY S24 ULTRA product is only valid for Participants residing in Metropolitan France, and any Participant residing abroad acknowledges this condition when participating. 5.2 – PRIZE AWARDING The Prizes will be awarded in person by the Organizing Company within three (3) months from the first contact by the latter. Winners will be invited to present themselves at the Olympic™️ rendez-vous @ Samsung | Champs-Elysées 125, located at 125 Avenue des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris, with the requested documents. If in person delivery is not possible, the Prizes will be sent by mail at the expense of the Organizing Company. Any missing, incomplete or incorrect address will result in the cancellation of the Prize after a period of 6 to 8 weeks following the winning date if no justified claim is made by the Winner. In the event that a Prize is returned to the Organizing Company with the mention "does not live at the indicated address " or a Prize is not collected by its recipient, the Prize will be kept at the winner's disposal for the month following its return to the Organizing Company. Beyond this period, the winner can no longer claim it. The Participant is responsible for the accuracy of the information they have provided and for any changes or errors in their contact details, email address, phone number, or any other identification and contact element. It is their responsibility, if necessary, to communicate their new contact details to the Organizing Company. Prizes are not cumulative and only one Prize will be awarded per person (same name, same address and/or same email address). If the Winner is a minor, the Organizing Company will contact the person(s) holding parental authority to organize the awarding of the Prize. The Prize will be awarded to the person holding parental authority of the Winner. The Organizing Company may request the presentation of a signed release and an identification document. ARTICLE 6 – LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The Organizing Company cannot be held responsible for any action that is not attributable to it, particularly in case of unavailability of the platform/website on which Participants participate in the game, any problems related to networks and means of communication (access provider, viruses, defective and/or incompatible computer equipment in terms of hardware or software, etc.) in the event that the information provided by the Participant is erroneous, incomplete or becomes unusable for a reason not attributable to the Organizing Company. The Organizing Company cannot be held responsible in the event that a Participant is unable to access the platform/website hosting the Game due to any technical defect or any problem related, in particular, to network congestion. It cannot be held responsible for the maintenance or any malfunction of the servers on which the Game is hosted. Furthermore, the Organizing Company cannot be held responsible in any case of problems with email delivery or loss. The Organizing Company cannot be held responsible for malfunctions of the internet network, nor for delays, losses or damages resulting from postal and management services. The Organizing Company's liability cannot be sought regarding any incidents or accidents that may occur from the use of the awarded Prize. It is up to the Participants to take all appropriate measures to protect their data and/or software on the device from which they participate in the Game. The Organizing Company is not required to respond to requests from Participants, regardless of their form (letters, emails, faxes, phone calls, etc.) relating to the mechanism of the Game, the interpretation or application of the Rules, or the list of winners, even after the end of the Game. By agreeing to participate in the Game, each Participant is deemed to have accepted the Rules and fully and unconditionally releases the Organizing Company from any liability related to the Game as well as any harm, losses or damages that may occur as a result of participation in or in connection with the Game. The Organizing Company cannot in any case incur any liability if it were to cancel, shorten, extend, postpone or modify the conditions of participation and the operating procedures of the Game. Any change will be the subject of prior information by any appropriate means. Addenda and modifications to the Rules may then possibly be published during the Game. They will be considered as amendments to these Rules. ARTICLE 7 – PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA 7.1 Automated data processing When participating in the Game, regardless of the medium, participants provide a certain amount of personal information. The collected information includes personal data (e.g. name, first name, address, email). Depending on the Game or the Prize, other types of data may be requested (e.g. date of birth, valid ID, passport, etc.). This data collected as part of the Game is subject to automated processing by the Organizing Company. 7.2 Purpose of processing The data is processed by the Organizing Company for the organization of the Game. The following processing is necessary for the organization of the Game by the Organizing Company: a) validation of participation in the Game (verification of the candidate's eligibility according to the criteria required for the Game as indicated in the Rules) b) communication between the Organizing Company and the participants, among others to inform the Winners of the results c) awarding of Prizes The Organizing Company indicates to the Participants, at the time of their collection, the information that is necessary to provide to participate in the Game. In a collection form, the information that is necessary to provide is indicated by an asterisk. d) control of compliance with the conditions of the Rules and fight against fraud. The Organizing Company may collect the aforementioned data for the purpose of controlling the limitation of the number of participations per person, to enforce a period of abstention that would be indicated in the Rules, or to enforce a prohibition on participation in a Game, in the case where a person who has committed fraud or attempted fraud has been prohibited from participating when the Rules provide for it. This list is not exhaustive. 7.3 Communication of data to authorized service providers The data is only accessible to those who need to know it for the awarding of Prizes. The data may be transmitted to authorized service providers for the following purpose: • awarding of Prizes to winners (e.g. and establishment of the guarantee in their name, first name and address.) The data may be transmitted to third parties in the event of a request from the judicial, administrative or tax authorities justified by a regulatory or legal provision. 7.4 Data retention period Personal data concerning the winner of the Game will be kept for the purposes referred to in points a) to d) of Article 7.2 for a period of 3 (three) years from the date of participation in the Game. Beyond this period, the winner's data will be archived for an additional period of 2 (two) years, for evidentiary purposes in the event of a dispute relating to the conduct of the Game. 7.5 Rights of the persons concerned Pursuant to law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended relating to information technology, files and freedoms, in its latest version in force and regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of data ("Applicable Regulations on the Protection of Personal Data"), participants have a right of access, rectification, deletion and portability of their personal data. They also benefit from the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing carried out or to request its limitation. To exercise these rights, participants must connect to http://www.samsung.com/request-desk. Finally, participants have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL. For more information on the conditions for processing your data, you can consult the Samsung Privacy Policy. ARTICLE 8 – PUBLICITY AND PROMOTION OF WINNERS Participants, by their mere participation in the Game, expressly authorize the Organizing Company to use, on any medium, by any means and for the duration it deems useful, their names, first names, cities of residence, as well as photographs representing them, without this conferring on them the right to any remuneration, compensation or additional benefit other than the awarding of the Prize they would have won as part of the Game. ARTICLE 9 – FILING AND CONSULTATION OF THE RULES The Rules, and any amendments thereto, are filed with SCP SIMONIN – LE MAREC – GUERRIER, Commissaires de Justices Associés, 54 rue Taitbout, 75009 PARIS, to whom the control of the proper conduct of its implementation is entrusted. The complete Rules will also be available, upon request, at the following address: https://withgalaxy.galaxyexperienceparis.com/en/join ARTICLE 10 – APPLICABLE LAW AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES The Game and its Rules are subject to French law. Any dispute that may arise in the course of the execution of the Rules will be resolved primarily amicably between the Organizing Company and the Participant concerned. Claims or disputes arising from the interpretation or execution of the Rules must be submitted by the Participant to the Organizing Company, within one (1) month from the participation deadline in the Game as indicated in the Rules, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to: CHEIL France SAS Equipe Brandstore 6 rue Fructidor 93400 Saint-Ouen In the absence of an amicable agreement, any dispute will be brought before the competent French courts.